Carmen has an immense passion for the financial planning and fiduciary profession and total respect for the vast spectrum of knowledge required in these professions. Carmen was awarded the pretigious ‘It starts with me’ award by FPI in 2018 for the excellence of private training services rendered.
It is the love of the profession and the technical nature of the level of knowledge that is required by all planners that spurs Carmen into continuing her private training services!
Synergia Learning is an independent private training provider and is not a higher education provider. We offer private training for any professional on their path to acquiring their CFP® or FPSA® as well for those needing to fullfill their CPD obligations. Synergia Learning is not affiliated with any university, college or the Financial Planning Institute.
To obtain the CFP® designation, you will be required to complete the Post Grad Dip/BCom in Financial Planning and, once successful, register with the FPI to complete the Capstone program. The FPI website has all the details.
To obtain the FPSA® designation, you must complete the Advanced Diploma in Deceased Estate and Trust Administration and, once successful, apply for membership with FISA. Details are available on the FISA website.
Synergia Learning does not offer these qualifications but private training on all the topics relevant to the CFP® and FPSA® studies.
CPD points may also be offered on certain subjects for those who want to learn and obtain points at the same time. Look out for the CPD logo.
Whether you are completing a multiple choice examination and/or, whether on the direct pathway where a financial plan has to be submitted to the FPI, we are here to assist. You may select to register for the Capstone workshops where you will access all the technical knowledge needed and attend live sessions or register for a database of technical knowledge questions to assess the level of your knowledge. You can attend both to improve your chances of success.
Pre-recorded sessions on topics relevant to financial planning, live sessions, and multiple choice exams for practice are all available to support you on your chosen pathway.
Whether studying towards the CFP® or the FPSA® designation, needing to update knowledge, catch up on latest changes or, need to make up CPD, we are here for you!
All subject matter and more is on offer either as individual topics or, as a collective for a specific environment. Private training methods differ from online studies at your pace, live virtual sessions, database of questions to test your knowledge or, a combination of all these methodologies:- online content, pre-recorded webinars and/or live sessions using the Zoom platform.
Our emphasis is on comprehensive understanding and application of the relevant topics, ensuring your success in whatever avenue you have chosen.
View offerings listed under the CPD and Workshops Offered pages.
2025 Brochures for download will be available shortly. Feel free to engage Carmen should you have any questions which you want to address sooner by email carmen@synergialearning.co.za or call 082 880 7192.
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About Carmen Venter
In her capacity as a Financial Planner, Carmen is registered with the FSCA, is a CFP® Professional Member of the FPI as well as a Tax practitioner with FPI as the regulatory body and a Fiduciary Practitioner of SA®.
Carmen has privately trained planners since 2009, delivered talks at seminars and conferences and authors her own content.
Carmen was appointed from 2017 -2023 as external lecturer at UJ on the BCom Honours in Financial Planning and, is currently appointed as the external lecturer in their MCom in Wealth Management program delivering the Corporate and Integrated modules.
Carmen successfully completed an HDip in Tax at RAU, Post Grad Dip in Financial Planning at UFS, Post Grad Dip in Tax Management -cum – at UFS and Diploma in Deceased Estates-cum- at UNISA.